The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) continues to try to add fish seed centers to encourage national fish production. In addition to food security, the increase in fish production is also for export purposes.
“Freshwater fish production, including catfish, carp, and catfish. Most of them go to Europe, the Middle East, and America in frozen or fresh form,” said the Director General of Fisheries and Marine Cultivation of the KKP, Slamet Subiyato, while providing capital assistance and freshwater fish farming equipment in Boyolali, Wednesday (20/3).
He further explained, every year there is an increase in the production of freshwater fish even though the current production level is not sufficient. The indicators, for example, the price of fish are still quite expensive, for example, catfish Rp. 20 thousand/kg and tilapia Rp. 30 thousand/kg. Therefore, optimizing seed production by maximizing the existing seed centers, one of which is by increasing the echelon of the KKP’s halls.
Among them are fish seed centers in Karang Asem, Bali, Serang, Banten, and Balai in Eastern Indonesia. because so far, seed production has relied more on seed centers owned by local governments. “This year we are also distributing 200 million seeds to the community, about 30 percent of which have been distributed,” he explained.
Especially for Boyolali, his party welcomes the proposal to build a freshwater fish seed center owned by the KKP in Boyolali. Moreover, in the KKP classification, Boyolali is an advanced Neapolitan area with an A classification or the highest.
“As long as there is land for a seed center that is handed over to the KKP, we are ready to build it. Because for the construction of a freshwater fish nursery, the land must be clean or ready,” he said. (Gal)